Sunday 1 January 2012

Unknown territory...

So there I was, after deciding that I was definitely going to start writing my own blog, just staring at a blank screen waiting for a fantastic idea to wander, fully formed, into my subconscious....nothing! I looked at blog after blog after blog for that little bit of inspiration to wash over me....still nothing! I created, and was soon after suspended from a newly developed Twitter account in my desperation to lure people to a blog aimed at absolutely nothing! It was no use! To say that it was all a bit vague would be an understatement! I then took to trawling the darkest corners of my mind (which didn't take long) for a subject that I could not only talk about, but a subject that that I could also see people being interested in, something that could help people. I like to think that I know a fair bit about a pretty varied range of subjects - Mr Current Affairs...hardly! Turns out that my knowledge base is about as broad as my 3 year old daughters shoulders!

I had to change my tack, I started to draw upon my own experiences. What would've been useful to me? What could I see myself reading day after day? Once again, nothing! It was at this point that my daughter came to me & asked me what I was doing. If only I knew! Suddenly, it hit me!

Only once in my life had I felt so absolutely clueless, so utterly bewildered. THE BIRTH OF MY 1ST CHILD! Of course! What a life changing event! Bar none, the most memorable, emotional & challenging time of any young persons life. Countless times I have been asked to put into words just how it made me feel! From the second I found that I was to be a father, to this very day. Every single moment as special as the next!

This being the 21st century, Google provided me with a wealth of information with regards to bringing children into this world. However, as a young man of 22 years, a biology lesson was not what I needed. The info that I wanted to be reading seemed pretty hard to come by, almost impossible it seems. I wanted 1st hand advice, a no holds barred account, blow by blow, bones n' all! I had no friends or immediate family with babies & absolutely no experience in caring for children whatsoever! I had to go it alone...I was forced to face the challenges of parenthood uneducated, unarmed & totally underprepared!

So here we are...4 years on & i've found myself a subject to blog about! I'm here to write about my experiences, however limited they may be. The happy, the sad, the highs & the lows. My philosophy is...if I can provide just 1 person with advice, however big or small then it's a job well done!


  1. I think your idea is good. I started out with the idea to talk about some of my experiences with M.S. medications but then it kind f morphed into being about my life with M.S. being a part of that life. It's hard to get people to comment whatever it is you are writing about so don't becomme discouraged f people don't comment. Write about what you love and about your real experiences and you can't go wrong. Good Luck!

  2. This is where it starts. Its easy from here. All you have to do is blog about what makes you happy and what you love. You can blog about what makes you laugh. Funny things is you will have people that love your blog and you will have people that dont. WHo cares. If you love it than you are awesome at it.
